Media blog for those who are interested in Japan

Useful information about living, working, and studying in Japan

Do you ever get frustrated or worried about what seems to look like a very comp…

We believe that salary is also a critical point to look at since it is an indis…

What kind of image would you get if you heard that your friend decided to work …

“Working in Japan” may not sound as magical due to the notion that working in J…

日本での就職活動を終え、見事内定を勝ち取った留学生の就活体験を聞く、「日本就活体験記」。 今回は、外資系企業から内定を獲得したクロアチア出身の留学生に、「企…
Staying in a job you don’t like can have negative effects on your health and ca…

It is said that happy employees are the building blocks to a successful compa…

For some, thinking about Japanese work culture easily conjures up the image of …